Friday 7 September 2012


I know its been a little bit but life has been pretty hectic so lets talk about the good things first. Weight is slowly coming off weighed in at 197.8 this morning. I am loving my Zombie, Run! app the other day went for a walk/jog with Cronos and i had the Zombies chase turned on (usually where i live the gps wont find us that day it did) oh holy heck talk about going at a faster pace i am normally between 8 -9 min per km well when the Zombies are chasing i hit up to as high as 13 km per hour lol it was great :)

Triend a new class this past wed called Kickboxing Cardio the first class for this month was free, i was super nervous as i was going by myself and knew no one there... So glad i went i LOVED it in 55 mins burnt 544 cals and was a true sweat monster :P This upcoming monday is a free Zumba class with the same instructor and i am going to check that out as well, says it is in the dark so no need to feel self conscious ... well when i knock everyone down with my uncoordination it wont be so good :p

S started school this week, wed was her first day and she says she really enjoyed it but will give me no details of her day *fustrated mom*, she is back at school today and was extremely excited to be going back.

Her Hello Kitty backpack

While wearing a Hello Kitty shirt

little K looking up to her big sister

And talking about this little chunkmiester (is that even a word ?) she just turned 11 months old weighs 20 pounds right on the dot. Has two top teeth (came within a couple days of each other) and two bottom teeth. Has finally figured out to crawl forward (a couple weeks) and is getting faster at it. Figured out how to sit up by herself from when she is lying down (that caused a panic the first time she did it in the crib as she was still on the top level as she wouldn't do it. She had grabbed onto her mobile and was having a grand time giving it a shake). Oh and will stand if holding onto the crib, our hands, playpen etc... AAAHHHHH so many  milestones in just a short couple of weeks.

Took photos for a photo invite but think i will use them in a banner instead

Now onto the reason for the title ... for the past month or so i have been having twinges in my back. I usually throw out my back roughly 2 - 3 times a year usually it is just sore and i am hunched over while walking for 3 -4 days then it is over. Well these twinges point to a full out back episode. I have only had two of them both have been in January right after having my babies (S was 9 months and K 3 1/2 months) and it scares the shit out of me. It means physio for approx 1 and a 1/2 months where i can barely walk without crying cannot pick up my daughters etc ... Today woke up was feeling great and somewhere between getting my eldest ready for school and getting my youngest out of her crib i felt it, the pain that i associate with a hell of a back outage. It got worse, right now taking my back meds from jan and some normal robaxacet (sp?) for the pain hoping it will cover it. I am thinking that the back pain is just due to stress of S going to school and my approaching work date and all the hiccups that have happened with both in the last couple of weeks.   Hope it blows over and my concern is for nothing...

Have a great weekend will check in on monday,

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